Back to Basics!
Breaking down our Basic techniques
- Course
- By Renshi Imran Jaffer
Basic Blocks
Everything you need to know about our Blocks
- Course
- By Renshi Imran Jaffer
Basic Stances
Everything you need to know about Stances
- Course
- By Renshi Imran Jaffer
Bassai Dai
July-October Advanced Kata
- Course
- By Renshi Ryan Ritchie
November-February Black Belt Kata
- Course
- By Renshi Ryan Ritchie
Evasive Sweep
Intermediate Block 5 Self Defence
- Course
- By Renshi Imran Jaffer
Heian Godan
July-August Intermediate Kata
- Course
- By Renshi Imran Jaffer
Heian Nidan
November-December Intermediate Kata
- Course
- By Renshi Imran Jaffer
Heian Sandan
March-April Intermediate Kata
- Course
- By Renshi Imran Jaffer
Heian Shodan
January - February Intermediate Kata
- Course
- By Renshi Imran Jaffer
Heian Yondan
May-June Intermediate Kata
- Course
- By Renshi Imran Jaffer
How to Earn your White Belt
Everything you need to know for your Second Class
- Course
- By Renshi Imran Jaffer
How to Properly Hold a Board
Everything you need to know to safely hold a board
- Course
- By Renshi Ryan Ritchie
January/February Beginner Curriculum - Sparring Combinations
Everything you need to know about the Beginner Block 3 Sparring combination!
- Course
- By Renshi Stewart Wilkinson
January/February Intermediate Sparring Combination
A combination using the Lunging Hook-Round Kick, Lunging Hook-Round Kick into a Dive Blitz and Spinning Hook Kick
- Course
- By Renshi Stewart Wilkinson
March - June Advanced Kata
- Course
- By Renshi Ryan Ritchie
July/August Intermediate Sparring Combination
All the Sparrring techniques and combinations for Intermediate Block 6
- Course
- By Renshi Stewart Wilkinson
Kanku Sho
July-October Black Belt Kata
- Course
- By Renshi Ryan Ritchie
March/April Beginner Curriculum - Kickboxing and Sparring Techniques
Kickboxing Combinations and Sparring Techniques for Beginner Block 4
- Course
- By Renshi Stewart Wilkinson
March/April Intermediate Sparring Combination
All 3 parts of Intermediate Sparring Combination for Block 4
- Course
- By Renshi Stewart Wilkinson
May / June Beginner Sparring Combination
The Beginner Sparring Techniques and Combinations for May and June!
- Course
- By Renshi Ryan Ritchie
May/June Intermediate Sparring Combination
All of the new techniques and combinations for Intermediate students for the months of May and June
- Course
- By Renshi Ryan Ritchie
November/December Beginner Combination
The new sparring and self defence techniques and combinations for the Beginner Program for the months of November and December!
November/December Intermediate Combination
Working the Angled Blitz, Angled Commitment Reverse Punch and the Blitz Evade!
- Course
- By Renshi Stewart Wilkinson
September/October Beginner Curriculum - Sparring Combinations
All three parts to the Beginner Block 1 sparring combination!
- Course
- By Renshi Stewart Wilkinson
September/October Intermediate Sparring Combination
All 3 Parts for the sparring combination for Intermediate Block 1
- Course
- By Renshi Stewart Wilkinson
Tekki Shodan
September-October Intermediate Kata
- Course
- By Renshi Imran Jaffer